Salty Steak

I broke a beer bottle in the kitchen and the roomba is in there sweeping up right now.  (Ain’t technology wonderful?!?!)  Now, I’m sipping on another beer and have just salted the life out of a less than awesome ribeye based on this method.  It is my second time doing it and as soon as it stops raining outside, I’m gonna grill it up nice ‘n rare.  The salt method has worked well in the past.  Give it a try on a “less than choice” steak when you feel the urge.

Now, if I could only feed the roomba the scraps…

UPDATE: The steak is in my belly and went there leaving a succulent trail of flavor even though I overcooked it.  I had potato chips as a side.  Steak ‘n ‘taters.  What?  Did you expect mooseburgers?

3 Comments Add yours

  1. thanks for the shoutout!

    i love my roomba too. though i need a washingdishesba and a laundryba.

  2. NotHemingway says:

    Thank you for saving my steak! The grill is heating right now… I’m licking my chops and dreading emptying the “laundryba.” Mine washes and dries in the same machine. German engineering. It only takes about (ahem) 4 hours a load. Jetson’s – eat your hearts out!

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